An addition of oleate micellar solution to two original sizes (180 nm and 50 nm) of preformed vesicles was studied using gel exclusion chromatography, dynamic light scattering and freeze fracture electron microscopy. The effect of molar ratios of phospholipid and oleate on size distribution of newly formed vesicles was investigated by varying molar concentrations of these two components. After adding an equiamount of oleate to 180 nm-preformed vesicles or 50 nm-preformed vesicles, a relatively monodisperse population of newly formed vesicles was detected. For the high amount of oleate addition to two original sizes of preformed vesicles, the results were quite different. New large vesicles and a number of new small vesicles were observed in samples of mixed EggPC/oleate suspension in the presence of preformed vesicles with 180 nm of size, whereas, only some new large vesicles were detected in samples of mixed EggPC/oleate suspension in the presence of preformed vesicles with 50 nm of size. We assumed that the number of new small vesicles, with size close to preformed vesicles, increased in the latter case. The transformation of mixed EggPC/oleate micelles to mixed vesicles was investigated. The results showed that transformation of mixed EggPC/oleate micelles to vesicles was remarkably faster than transformation of mere oleate micelles to vesicles. The above findings suggested that new mixed EggPC/oleate vesicles with small size were presumably formed by partial solubilization.