The optical properties of Bragg quantum wells are studied
for exciton confinement under center-of-mass quantization. A variational
model of Wannier exciton envelope function, that embodies the correct
boundary conditions for center-of-mass, is adopted for calculation. The
present non-adiabatic exciton model is compared with adiabatic results and
with heuristic “hard sphere” model. The radiative self-energy of a
single-quantum well (SQW) and multi-quantum wells (MQWs) are computed in the
semiclassical framework, and in effective mass approximation, by
self-consistent solution of Schroedinger and Maxwell equations. This
microscopic solution is free from “fitting” parameter values, except for
the non-radiative broadening, and also the exciton dead-layer and the
additional boundary condition are not taken ad hoc, but come coherently
from the variational principle and self-consistent Schroedinger-Maxwell
solution. Dispersion curves of exciton-polariton propagating in a MQW, under
Bragg condition, are studied by selected numerical examples. The case of
optical gap in correspondence of higher excited states is studied, and,
moreover, the interesting effect of gap enhancement or inhibition, in
correspondence of non-resonant Bragg energy, will be addressed.