Group Velocity;
Dispersion Curve;
Rayleigh Wave;
Love Wave;
Group Velocity Dispersion;
D O I:
An average shear-wave velocity structure has been estimated for the path between the Kamchatka Isthmus and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski. It is obtained from the Monte Carlo inversion of the Rayleigh and Love wave group velocity dispersion curves measured using broad-band seismograms of events in Northern Kamchatka recorded by the IRIS station PET in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski. The Moho interface was found at a depth of 35±5 km and the Konrad one at 18±4 km. An important feature of the found structure is a low velocity in the upper mantle. This result is coherent with the recent and present-day volcanic activity in Kamchatka. Synthetic long period seismograms computed for the obtained structure are in good agreement with observed ones.