Let \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${u \in \mathcal{H}(\mathbb{D})}$$\end{document} and φ be an analytic self-map of \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${\mathbb{D}}$$\end{document}. We estimate the essential norms of weighted composition operators uCφ acting on Zygmund type spaces in terms of u, φ, their derivatives and the n-th power φn of φ. Moreover, we give similar characterizations for boundedness of uCφ between Zygmund type spaces.
Department of Mathematics, State University of New York BrockportDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Science Sultan Qaboos University
Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Div Sci, Engn & Hlth Studies Coll Profess & Continuing Edu, Hong Kong, Peoples R ChinaHong Kong Polytech Univ, Div Sci, Engn & Hlth Studies Coll Profess & Continuing Edu, Hong Kong, Peoples R China