Urban stormwater runoff is contaminated by nutrients that wash off of roadways, parking lots and lawns during storms. In-ground permeable filter systems that consist of carefully selected filter material have the potential to remove these nutrients from the run-off. In this paper, four filter materials, calcite, zeolite, sand and iron filings, were investigated using laboratory batch tests to evaluate their efficiency in the removal of nitrate and phosphate from the simulated stormwater at different initial concentrations under the same 24-h exposure time period. The range of removal for nitrate was from 39 % to 65 % for calcite, from 42 % to 77 % for zeolite, from 40 % to 70 % for sand, and from 74 % to 100 % for iron filings. The removal of phosphate ranged from 35 % to 41 % for calcite, 59 % to 100 % for zeolite, 49 % to 100 % for sand, and 73 % to 100 % for iron filings. The removal of nitrate is mainly attributed to electrostatic adsorption, except when iron filings were used as a filter material where additional processes such as electrochemical reduction, ligand complexation and precipitation may have contributed to the higher nitrate removal. Phosphate removal is also attributed to electrostatic adsorption in all filter materials; however, at higher phosphate concentrations, the precipitation process may be the dominant process for all of the filter materials except calcite. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms fitted the observed nonlinear adsorption results, but the mechanism of removal of phosphate changed from adsorption to precipitation at concentrations higher than 1 mg/l in zeolite, sand, and iron filings; therefore, the adsorption models are valid below this concentration limit. A typical application of these batch adsorption test results is presented in the design of a field in-ground permeable filter system.