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Predictors of diagnostic transition from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: a retrospective observational network study
Anastasiya Nestsiarovich
Jenna M. Reps
Michael E. Matheny
Scott L. DuVall
Kristine E. Lynch
Maura Beaton
Xinzhuo Jiang
Matthew Spotnitz
Stephen R. Pfohl
Nigam H. Shah
Carmen Olga Torre
Christian G. Reich
Dong Yun Lee
Sang Joon Son
Seng Chan You
Rae Woong Park
Patrick B. Ryan
Christophe G. Lambert
[1] University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center,
[2] Department of Internal Medicine,undefined
[3] Center for Global Health,undefined
[4] Janssen Research and Development,undefined
[5] Vanderbilt University,undefined
[6] Department of Biomedical Informatics,undefined
[7] Department of Medicine,undefined
[8] Department of Biostatistics,undefined
[9] Tennessee Valley Healthcare System VA,undefined
[10] Veterans Affairs Informatics and Computing Infrastructure,undefined
[11] VA Salt Lake City Health Care System,undefined
[12] University of Utah,undefined
[13] Department of Internal Medicine,undefined
[14] Columbia University Irving Medical Center,undefined
[15] Department of Biomedical Informatics,undefined
[16] Stanford University,undefined
[17] Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research,undefined
[18] IQVIA,undefined
[19] Real World Solutions,undefined
[20] IQVIA,undefined
[21] Real World Solutions,undefined
[22] Ajou University School of Medicine,undefined
[23] Department of Psychiatry,undefined
[24] Ajou University School of Medicine,undefined
[25] Department of Biomedical Informatics,undefined
[26] University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center,undefined
[27] Department of Internal Medicine,undefined
[28] Center for Global Health,undefined
[29] Division of Translational Informatics,undefined
D O I:
Many patients with bipolar disorder (BD) are initially misdiagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD) and are treated with antidepressants, whose potential iatrogenic effects are widely discussed. It is unknown whether MDD is a comorbidity of BD or its earlier stage, and no consensus exists on individual conversion predictors, delaying BD’s timely recognition and treatment. We aimed to build a predictive model of MDD to BD conversion and to validate it across a multi-national network of patient databases using the standardization afforded by the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP) common data model. Five “training” US databases were retrospectively analyzed: IBM MarketScan CCAE, MDCR, MDCD, Optum EHR, and Optum Claims. Cyclops regularized logistic regression models were developed on one-year MDD-BD conversion with all standard covariates from the HADES PatientLevelPrediction package. Time-to-conversion Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed up to a decade after MDD, stratified by model-estimated risk. External validation of the final prediction model was performed across 9 patient record databases within the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) network internationally. The model’s area under the curve (AUC) varied 0.633–0.745 (µ = 0.689) across the five US training databases. Nine variables predicted one-year MDD-BD transition. Factors that increased risk were: younger age, severe depression, psychosis, anxiety, substance misuse, self-harm thoughts/actions, and prior mental disorder. AUCs of the validation datasets ranged 0.570–0.785 (µ = 0.664). An assessment algorithm was built for MDD to BD conversion that allows distinguishing as much as 100-fold risk differences among patients and validates well across multiple international data sources.