[1] Stockholm University,Stockholm Resilience Centre
[2] Australian National University,Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science
[3] University of Tasmania,Centre for Marine Socioecology
[4] Stockholm University,Baltic Sea Centre
[5] Australian National University,Fenner School of Environment and Society
[6] Charles Darwin University,Northern Institute
[7] IUCN Conservation Centre,Luc Hoffmann Institute
[8] W.E. Frankie College of Forestry and Conservation,Department of Natural Resource Science and McGill School of Environment
[9] University of Montana,Centre for Complex Systems in Transition
[10] Instituto de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas y Sustentabilidad,Centre for Development and Environment, Global Land Programme
[11] Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,Department of Geographical Sciences
[12] The Pew Charitable Trusts,CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[13] McGill University,Global Carbon Project
[14] Stellenbosch University,Center for Limnology
[15] University of Bern,The Beijer Institute
[16] University of Maryland,Departamento de Ecología, Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability, Center for the Study of Multiple
[17] University of Copenhagen,Drivers on Marine Socio
[18] CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere,Ecological Systems
[19] University of Wisconsin-Madison,Global Economic Dynamics and the Biosphere Academy Programme
[20] Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,Institute of Development Studies
[21] CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere,Future Earth Coasts, MaREI Centre for Marine and Renewable Energy, Environmental Research Institute
[22] Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research,Faculty of Sustainability
[23] Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,School of Geography and Development
[24] Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,Institute of the Environment
[25] University of Sussex,School of Development
[26] University College Cork,Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment
[27] Leuphana University of Lüneburg,Department of Conservation Ecology
[28] University of Arizona,Global Change Institute
[29] PAGES International Project Office,Institute of Geography
[30] University of Arizona,Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development
[31] Azim Premji University,undefined
[32] University of Bern,undefined
[33] Stellenbosch University,undefined
[34] University of the Witwatersrand,undefined
[35] University of Bern,undefined
[36] Radboud University Nijmegen,undefined
[37] Stellenbosch University,undefined
[38] CSIRO Land and Water,undefined
[39] Utrecht University,undefined