Medical physicists;
Medical physics education;
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Medical physicists are health professionals recognized by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and hence medical physicists working in a clinical environment should have the required competency and undergo a structured training program and residency under an experienced medical physicist in a recognized institution. Furthermore, medical physics is a rapidly growing area needing a high degree of knowledge and professional competency due to the rise in complexity of treatment procedures, increasing access to medical technology, and the requirement of coordination between the disciplines of medicine, physics and biomedical engineering. The unprecedented surge in medical physics competency in the last 2–3 decades is due to the implementation of specialized physics intensive procedures such as particle therapy, image-guided & intra-operative radiotherapy, advanced imaging and nuclear medicine techniques. In this scenario to handle this new technology era the quantity of qualified medical physicists needs to be in consonance with the competency needed. There is a special requirement for education and training of medical physicists which led to the opening of numerous educational programs around the world. The Asia-Oceania Federation of Organizations for Medical Physics (AFOMP) was founded in 2000 and today 19 countries national medical physicist associations (NMPO) are member of AFOMP. The AFOMP region is populated by over 4.5 billion people and socioeconomically is very diverse with GDP per capita as high as around US $60,000 [Australia] to as low as around US $750 [Nepal]. We conducted a survey by sending questionnaires to AFOMP NMPOs to assess the status of medical physics education and training in the region. We have received responses from 20 countries in the AFOMP region to the questionnaire. It was observed that 16 [80%] countries from AFOMP have well organized master program in medical physics, however only 8 [50%] programs were accredited and in only 9 [45%] countries are medical physicists registered as health professionals.