Let G be a group, and let α be a regular automorphism of order p2 of G, where p is a prime. If G is polycyclic-by-finite and the map φ: G → G defined by gφ = [g, α] is surjective, then G is soluble. If G is polycyclic, then CG(αp) and G/[G, αp] are both nilpotent-by-finite.
Moscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, Fac Mech & Math, Moscow 119991, Russia
Russian Acad Sci, Ural Branch, NN Krasovskii Inst Math & Mech, Ul S Kovalevskoi 16, Ekaterinburg 620990, RussiaMoscow MV Lomonosov State Univ, Fac Mech & Math, Moscow 119991, Russia