Foliage and wood parameters of branches of 12-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) trees were characterized after 21 months of exposure to fertilizer, irrigation and elevated CO2 treatments. Branches of loblolly pine trees were enclosed in plastic chambers and exposed to ambient, ambient +175 and ambient +350 umol mol–1 CO2 concentrations. Measurements of foliage and wood at the fascicle, flush and branch levels were made at the end of the 21 month study period. The +350 CO2 treatment did not significantly increase fascicle radius or length but did increase the number of fascicles on the first flush. Fertilization significantly increased fascicle radius and length, while irrigation significantly increased number of fascicles and flush length of first flush. The +350 CO2 treatment also significantly increased flush length of the first flush. Significant interaction of fertilization and irrigation with CO2 was observed for fascicle length. Significant interactions of fertilization and irrigation were also observed for flush length, number of fascicles and fascicle length. Observed increases in fascicle radius, fascicle length, number of fascicles and flush length may have been responsible for the significantly higher flush leaf area observed for the all three treatments. Also, a combination of fertilization and irrigation increased leaf area by 82% compared to that in the control when averaged across CO2 treatments. At the branch level +350 CO2 treatment significantly increased shoot length but not the number of flushes on the branch. In general with the exception of bark density and total number of needle scales, neither fertilization nor irrigation had any significant effect on other branch level parameters. Results from this study indicate that with ‘global change’ an increase in CO2 alone may increase leaf area via an increase in flush length and number of fascicles. Combining increases in CO2 with fertilization and irrigation could greatly enhance leaf area which when coupled to observed increases in net photosynthesis as a result of elevated CO2 could greatly increase productivity of loblolly pine trees.