House dust mites (HDM) have been shown to produce allergens causing atopic allergies in human beings, known in medicine as house-dust-mite allergy or atopy. Over the past 25 years (1981–2006) a survey of dust samples from different places was made in the southern part of Poland, to determine the diversity of indoor acarofauna. In total, 1,532 samples were taken from dwellings, hospitals, libraries, research laboratories, drug-stores, and offices and other workplaces. More than 30 mite species were found of which the most abundant and common were HDM, especially Dermatophagoides farinae. Highest mite densities (g−1 dust) were noted in dwellings. This survey revealed differences in the occurrence and prevalence of various species of domestic mites between and within (dwellings in) geographical areas. This knowledge may be useful in the field of forensic medicine.