The relationship between process and form has been at the core of research in fluvial geomorphology. Form-process relationships of a natural river basin are strongly influenced by its hydrologic and sedimentologic processes as basin morphometric properties of length, shape, and relief, change in response to various hydrologic stimuli from the environment, but usually in line with well established laws. In the four river basins (Orashi, Otamiri, Sombreiro, New Calabar) examined in this study, however, empirical evidence does not conform neatly with theoretical postulates. Remarkable variations are noted in the morphometric properties of the catchments, when compared with established morphometric laws. The most varied in conformity are the Orashi and New Calabar basins, although the Sombreiro and Otamiri catchments also show some level of variation. Prime explanation for the morphometric and topographic non-conformity is caused by the nature of surficial material and the profoundly shallow relief of much of the study area, especially the alluvial flood and deltaic plains to the south and south-west of the study area.