The present work emphasis on to estimate the theoretical findings of energy and exergy analysis of biodiesel fueled with diesel on variable compression ratio engine at various combinations of fuel blend at different compression ratios. This study aims to identify the optimum engine settings based on compression ratio and biodiesel blends. The engine is operated with methyl esters of rubber seed oil and its 20, 40, 60 and 80% blends with diesel on volume basis. The compression ratio is varied from 18:1 to 22:1 at five compression ratios at 80% load in 3.5 kW, 1500 rpm, single cylinder water-cooled direct injection engine. The variables analyzed are energy and exergy potential of fuel input, shaft work, cooling water, maximum pressure, heat release rate, exergy destruction, brake-specific energy consumption, brake thermal efficiency, second law efficiency, entropy generation, exhaust gas temperature and various emissions. It is observed that the combination of CR 20, B20 and B40 at 80% load gives a better performance in thermodynamic analysis of methyl esters of rubber seed oil blended with diesel in VCR engine.