A 29-year-old woman with left pleural effusion and a mass in anterior mediastinum was admitted. Transthoracic needle aspiration from the mass revealed findings consistent with nodular sclerosis variety of Hodgkin’s disease. The patient was in remission after six cycles of ABVD followed by mediastinal radiotherapy. Ten months later CT scan showed three hypodense masses in the right kidney. Ultrasound guided renal biopsy revealed diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Retrospective re-evaluation of the archival specimens of the mediastinal mass was also consistent with diffuse large B cell lymphoma. After induction chemotherapy (four cycles of DHAP) she underwent high dose chemotherapy (BEAM) and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. She is still in remission for 7 years after transplantation. In conclusion, renal involvement during advanced lymphoma is quite common but isolated renal relapse in NHL is a rare situation. Although renal infiltration generally shows a poor prognosis, long-term survival may be achieved with high dose chemotherapy and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.