Multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) can be considered as the most significant branch in decision sciences and the multi-objective optimization ratio analysis plus full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) is a useful MAGDM method which provides effectiveness in problem solving. To upgrade the quality assurance system and enhance the teaching quality, undergraduate teaching audit and evaluation (UTAE) play a very important role. UTAE is an emerging kind of judgment, which plays a vital role in evaluating the teaching quality of a university. Choosing the best university through UTAE can be considered a complicated MAGDM problem. In this study, our main objective is to present a new methodology based on the 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy sets and the MULTIMOORA method to solve the UTAE problem called 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy-MULTIMOORA (2TLPF-MULTIMOORA) method. Motivated by the linguistic evaluations of 2-tuple linguistic terms, the broader structure of Pythagorean fuzzy sets, and the efficiency of the MULTIMOORA method to manage the complex problems, we aim to build the 2TLPF-MULTIMOORA method. In this article, we successfully design a proficient MULTIMOORA method which is based on the 2-tuple linguistic Pythagorean fuzzy sets for dealing with the arising uncertainties in MAGDM problems. Based on the existing MULTIMOORA method, the proposed method includes three methods, namely the ratio analysis method, the reference point method and the fully multiplicative form method. Further, we exhibit the authenticity and applicability of the presented approach through an actual UTAE problem. Moreover, we illustrate a comparative analysis of the established approach with existing techniques to reveal the validity of the presented approach.