Fractional crystallization and emanation differentiation of sulfide magma and related mineralogical and geochemical zoning are exemplified in massive sulfide ores of the Oktyabr’sky deposit, Noril’sk district. The mineralogical zoning is expressed in the change of mineral types of ore from pyrrhotite (Po) to chalcopyrite (Cp) (from the flanks to the center of the ore lode). In terms of geochemistry, the Cu content, Cu/(Cu + Ni) ratio, and contents of noble metals incompatible with Mss (Pt, Pd, and Au) increase in this direction, while the S and Fe contents decrease. The distribution of elements compatible with Mss (Ir, Os, Rh, and Ru) is more complex. Their contents decrease from Po to high-Cu Cp ore, although there is a second maximum for Cb-type ore. The distribution of ore elements in the vertical and horizontal sections of massive ores at the deposit is different. The upper outer contact zone and frontal parts of massive ore lodes are enriched in all ore elements and a light sulfur isotope. The succession of enrichment is correlated with the relative affinity for sulfur and remains independent of the affinity of these elements for Mss (Pd-Rh, Os-Au). The possible role of liquid immiscibility of sulfide magma in the development of the mineralogical and geochemical zoning of massive ore is discussed.