[1] Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard,Program in Medical and Population Genetics
[2] State University of New York (SUNY),Center for Neuropsychiatric Genetics
[3] State University of New York (SUNY),Department of Psychiatry
[4] State University of New York (SUNY),Department of Neuroscience and Physiology
[5] Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research,Department of Psychiatry
[6] Georgetown University,Psicologia Medica
[7] Universidade de Coimbra,Psychiatry Service
[8] Ponta Delgada,Department of Psychiatry
[9] Veterans Administration Medical Center,undefined
[10] Harvard Medical School,undefined
[11] and Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit,undefined
[12] Center for Human Genetics Research,undefined
[13] Massachusetts General Hospital,undefined