Erduran and Dagher’s (2014) account of the Family Resemblance Approach (FRA) to Nature of Science (NOS) is a relatively new framework that frames NOS in a holistic fashion, inclusive of cognitive-epistemic and social-institutional aspects. This approach has also been referred to as the “Reconceptualized Family Resemblance Approach to Nature of Science” or shortly “RFN” by Kaya and Erduran (Science & Education, 25, 1115–1133, 2016) to differentiate it from a philosophical account of FRA. The premise of FRA is to portray science holistically in science classrooms. This study aimed to develop an instructional sequence based on RFN, investigating its effectiveness on 5th-grade students’ understanding of NOS and their ability to attain NOS-related learning goals. Employing a quasi-experimental, convergent parallel mixed method study design, 13 weeks of intervention were conducted with regular or RFN-based instruction in control and experimental groups, respectively. Participants were 64 female 5th-grade (10–11 years of age) students from Turkey. RFN Student Questionnaire was implemented before, after, and two months after the intervention. More data were collected by conducting semi-structured interviews before and after the intervention and collecting activity sheets and quizzes throughout the term. Mixed ANOVA results showed that the development of experimental students’ understanding of NOS from pre-test to post-test was significantly better than their peers in terms of total and category-based scores except for the aims and values of science and scientific practices categories. Analysis of student interviews and the attainment of RFN-based learning goals supported these results. Only one incongruence was found, and that was in terms of the scientific practices category. Overall, the study has implications for integrating a holistic account of NOS in secondary science education.