Some scholars treat grandiose narcissism and self-esteem as independent predictors. This has led to creating one nomological network for grandiose narcissism and one nomological network for self-esteem. However, some evidence shows that grandiose narcissism and self-esteem interact to predict outcomes. Hence, some features of the nomological networks of one construct (e.g., self-esteem) might depend on levels of the other (e.g., grandiose narcissism). To advance understanding of this implication, we related the grandiose narcissism*self-esteem interaction to parameters previously used to describe grandiose narcissism and self-esteem as independent constructs (i.e., Five Factor Model [FFM] traits, dark-personality constructs, and impulsivity constructs). Regarding FFM traits, grandiose narcissism*self-esteem predicted (a) higher Agreeableness, (b) higher Conscientiousness, and (c) higher Openness. Regarding dark-personality constructs, grandiose narcissism*self-esteem predicted (a) lower psychopathy, (b) lower Machiavellianism, and (c) lower vulnerable narcissism. Regarding impulsivity constructs, grandiose narcissism*self-esteem predicted (a) lower Negative Urgency, (b) lower Positive Urgency, (c) lower lack of Premeditation, and (d) lower lack of Perseverance. We discuss implications and limitations.