The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of microbial-transglutaminase (MTGase 0-0.75%)/sodium-caseinate (SC 0-2%) as crosslinker agents on proximate analysis, binding properties (expressible moisture and shrinkage), texture analysis, electrophoretic patterns, instrumental color, and sensory properties of veggie burgers. Addition of SC and MTGase positively affected shrinkage and expressible moisture. It also increased hardness, springiness, chewiness, and cutting-force of burgers. Presence of SC had no effects on cohesiveness of burgers. Total protein and ash of samples were increased by treatment with SC. The lightness (L*) of samples was significantly decreased by 0.75% MTGase. No significant influence of SC on samples color parameters was observed. The results indicated that distinct protein bands were not formed on the SDS-PAGE of burger samples and resulted in a smearing pattern on the gel. When soy-protein was incubated with MTGase, a progressive decrease in the intensity of the bands corresponding to the subunits 7S and 11S globulins was observed concomitant with disappearance of A3 and B3 bands. Electrophoresis pattern of gluten was slightly changed after MTGase treatment. There were significant differences in color, taste, appearance, mouth feel, and overall acceptability between treated and control samples. Results suggest that production of veggie burgers using MTGase alone or in combination with SC brings about covalent cross-linking between homologous and heterologous proteins to form high-molecular weight polymers, thereby improving the mechanical properties of veggie burgers and profoundly increases the acceptability of the end product.