The goal of this paper is to develop the formalism of the two-particle irreducible (2PI) (G. Baym (1962). Physical Review 127, 1391; H. D. Dahmen and G. Jona Lasino (1962). Nuovo Cimento A 52, 807; C. de Dominicis and P. Martin (1964). Journal of Mathematical Physics 5, 14; J. Luttinger and J. Ward (1960). Physical Review 118, 1417; B. Vanderheyden and G. Baym (1998). Journal of Statistical Physics 98, 843; B. Vanderheyden and G. Baym (2000). In Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions, World Scientific, Singapore). (or Cornwall-Jackiw-Tomboulis (CJT) (J. Cornwall, R. Jackiw, and E. Tomboulis (1974). Physical Review D 10, 2428; U. Kraemmer and A. Rebhan (2004). Reports on Progress in Physics 67, 351; R. Norton and J. Cornwall (1975). Annals of Physics 91, 106) effective action (EA) in a way appropiate to its application to nonequilibrium gauge theories. We hope this review article will stimulate new work into this field.