A locus near the centromere of bovine chromosome 2 is responsible for muscle hypertrophy (mh) in cattle. The objectives of this study were to refine the genomic region in which the locus resides and to assess the effects of a single copy of the mh allele on carcass and birth traits. Two half-sib families were developed using a Belgian Blue x MARC III (n = 246) or a Piedmontese x Angus (n = 209) sire. Traits analyzed were calving ease (CE), birth weight (BWT, kg), longissimus rib eye area (REA), retail product yield (RPYD), USDA yield grade (YG), marbling (MAR); fat thickness (FAT), estimated kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (KPH), and longissimus tenderness measured as Warner-Bratzler shear force at 3 (S3) and 14 (S14) d postmortem. Six microsatellites were used to determine the presence or absence of the mh allele and to confirm the location of the locus affecting the traits, which was assessed to be 4 cM from the beginning of the linkage group, with the 95% confidence interval between 2 and 6 cM. Cattle with an mh allele had increased (P < .01) REA, RPYD, and BWT and decreased MAR, YG, FAT, and KPH, compared with those without the allele. The effects of the mh allele ( mh/+ vs +/+) were 1.35, 1.6, .41, -1.01, -1.42, -.84, and -.86 residual standard deviations, respectively. There were no effects (P > .10) for CE, S3, and S14. Allelic differences due to the mh locus were similar for both sources (Belgian Blue or Piedmontese). Individuals inheriting a single mh allele had a leaner, more heavily muscled carcass compared with those inheriting the alternative allele. Thus, mating schemes that maximize production of mh/+ genotypes provide a viable approach for improving carcass composition.