German paleontology has a long tradition and is still very active and innovative in many fields. Fields with the highest impacts are Neogene to Recent micropaleontology with paleoceanographic and climate focus as well as geobiology and paleoecology. Systematic paleontology is well represented in Germany and leading taxonomic expertise is present for many groups although the impact of this research is necessarily low. Conservation of this expertise is important but visibility should be enhanced by cooperation with researchers from other disciplines. Analytical paleobiology is too weak in Germany with a few exceptions, as is the deep-time perspective of evo-devo research and efforts should be made not to fall further behind here. The greatest risk for German paleontology is the continued closure of university departments and the replacement of retired paleontologists by non-paleontologists. This threatens the future of our students in science and the paleontological research community may fall below a critical mass which is needed for innovative research. Some of these problems fall in the responsibility of the paleontologists themselves (e. g., lack of innovative approaches, apparent absence of practical/economic applicability, tactical mistakes) but others are the result of administrative actions to save or shift resources independent of the quality of research and teaching.
Christiana Care Hlth Syst, Dept Radiol, Nucl Med Sect, 4755 Ogletown Stanton Rd, Newark, DE 19718 USAChristiana Care Hlth Syst, Dept Radiol, Nucl Med Sect, 4755 Ogletown Stanton Rd, Newark, DE 19718 USA
Tallinna Ulikool, Inst Ajaloo Arheolo & Kunstiajalookeskus, Narva Mnt 25, EE-10120 Tallinn, EstoniaTallinna Ulikool, Inst Ajaloo Arheolo & Kunstiajalookeskus, Narva Mnt 25, EE-10120 Tallinn, Estonia
Poldvee, Aivar
Seppel, Marten
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Tartu Ulikool, Humanitaarteaduste & Kunstide Valdkond Ajaloo & A, Ulikooli 18, EE-50090 Tartu, EstoniaTallinna Ulikool, Inst Ajaloo Arheolo & Kunstiajalookeskus, Narva Mnt 25, EE-10120 Tallinn, Estonia
Patton State Hosp, Forens Evaluat Dept, 3102 East Highland Ave, Patton, CA 92369 USA
Univ Southern Calif, Keck Sch Med, Dept Psychiat & Behav Sci, 2250 Alcazar St,Suite 2200, Los Angeles, CA 90033 USAPatton State Hosp, Forens Evaluat Dept, 3102 East Highland Ave, Patton, CA 92369 USA
Leong, Gregory B.
Mueller, Crystal
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Patton State Hosp, Forens Evaluat Dept, 3102 East Highland Ave, Patton, CA 92369 USAPatton State Hosp, Forens Evaluat Dept, 3102 East Highland Ave, Patton, CA 92369 USA
Mueller, Crystal
Feldsher, Mendel
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Patton State Hosp, Forens Evaluat Dept, 3102 East Highland Ave, Patton, CA 92369 USAPatton State Hosp, Forens Evaluat Dept, 3102 East Highland Ave, Patton, CA 92369 USA