Compared to typical national innovation system regime, what are the main different characteristics of green innovation system? This paper aims at scrutinizing the continuation and the discontinuation between national innovation system and green innovation system. In entering in green innovation system (GIS), innovators set higher priority on eco-friendliness. Eco-friendliness can be considered to be top criteria in selection and execution of R&D programs and businesses. Technological characteristics, innovators' organizational behavior, operational style of market and institution are being aligned according to GIS. Particularly, organizational routines of GIS, namely, organizational green routines are important. Degree of greening consists of technological, economical, social and eco factors such as circulation, equilibrium, appropriate scale and velocity, safety, and high-touch. Quantitative indicators of degree of greening include emission degree of carbon, pollutants, consumption intensity of energy and materials, entropy, and degree of green economy.