Nowadays, it is accepted that the knowledge society is plural, global, digital and HIPERTEXTUAL. The appearance of the Internet and the digital world has generated a radical change on how to access and transmit knowledge. Learning has stopped being an internal and individual activity, as Siemens points out (2005), to be a collective activity. Scholars, such as Moraros, Islam, Yu, Banow and Schindelka (2015), have contributed to the field by carrying out specific research on innovation and teaching (Valero 2011). Further, they have provided evidence that indicate that the real innovation in the classroom depends on the methodological design made by the teacher or the teaching team. In this sense, does the university training need a change about the conception of the teaching? Will this change modify the central role of teachers in the formative process? Today, students are to become the main actor of their own learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to implement models that encourage curiosity, creativity, and knowledge outside the classroom, which ultimately results into developing character and autonomy when learning (Abeysekera and Dawson, 2014). From that perspective, the following groups have participated in different training programs: the EDO-UdL group, the subgroup EDO research group of Organizational Development and the students of the Master of Child Psychology and Degree of Physiotherapy of the University of Lleida in Spain. The results from the participation have identified certain elements that helped establishing the basis for the design, implementation and evaluation of the transfer of a training model in university education. The paper explains the application of the experience at the University of Lleida during the academic year 2014-2015. The general aim is to offer evidences about the model, specifically in: to know the opinion of students whether the methodology improves learning and teaching processes; to analyze his satisfaction in the development of the subject; to know the academic performance and to identify the opinion of the lecturer. The method used was an evaluative study and data was collected through three instruments: the official university survey, a questionnaire developed and validated for this research, and a focus group and their academic marks. The results show an enrichment of the teaching-learning process, in aspects of assimilation of concepts, changing role of the teacher and students, improve of processes of participation and communication, integration of ICT and interest by the subject.