Recognizing the need for a valid and reliable way to measure outcomes of a program to promote multicultural awareness among nursing faculty and students, the authors developed a cultural awareness scale. In the first phase of the study, a scale consisting of 37 items was generated from a literature review on cultural awareness, sensitivity, and competence in nursing. A Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of .91 was obtained from a sample of 72 student nurses. In the second phase, the items were presented to a panel of experts in nursing and culture to determine content validity. A content validity index of .88 was calculated, and the total number of items on the scale was reduced to 36. The scale then was administered to 118 nursing students. Data from the two samples then were combined, and factor analysis was conducted to support construct validity. Cronbach's alpha for the combined samples was .82.
Univ San Francisco, Sch Nursing & Hlth Profess, Masters Sci Nursing Dept, San Francisco, CA 94117 USAUniv San Francisco, Sch Nursing & Hlth Profess, Masters Sci Nursing Dept, San Francisco, CA 94117 USA