Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the vascular and parenchymal CT imaging findings, including vessel and cardiac chamber diameter measurements, in patients newly diagnosed with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH). The CT imaging findings were correlated with hemodynamic measurements and patient outcome. Methods Vascular and parenchymal CT findings were assessed on retrospectively ECG-gated MDCT angiography scans in 76 patients newly diagnosed with CTEPH. The diameters of the right and left ventricle (dRV, dLV), the right and left atrium (dRA, dLA), the ascending aorta (dAA), the right and left pulmonary arteries (drPA, dlPA), and the main pulmonary artery (dPA) were measured on axial CT scans. The CT imaging findings were correlated with demographic and hemodynamic data and adverse patient outcome due to right heart failure (RHF). Results The majority of patients showed chronic PE, mosaic perfusion, disparity in segmental vessel size, parenchymal densities, bronchial dilatation, and bronchial collaterals in CT. Mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) was not significantly different in patients with and those without chronic PE, mosaic perfusion, disparity in segmental vessel size, parenchymal densities, bronchial dilatation, and bronchial collaterals. Mean PAP showed significant correlations with the CT metrics of dRV/dLV ratio, dRA, dRV, dPA and dPA/dAA ratio, but no correlation with the central thrombi score. By backward linear regression, the dPA/dAA ratio independently correlated with mPAP. Patients who died of RHF tended to have a higher frequency of exclusively chronic peripheral PE and greater dRV/dLV ratios on presenting CT scans compared with survivors. Conclusion The majority of patients newly diagnosed with CTEPH show vascular signs of chronic PE, mosaic perfusion, parenchymal densities, disparity in segmental vessel size, bronchial dilatation, and bronchial collaterals on presenting CT scans. Particularly CTEPH patients with exclusively chronic peripheral PE and increased dRV/dLV ratios seem to be at risk of adverse outcome due to RHF.