In this work we study constraints from new searches for heavy particles at the LHC on the allowed masses and couplings of a Kaluza-Klein (KK) graviton in a holographic composite Higgs model. Keeping new electroweak states heavy such that electroweak precision tests are satisfied, we control the mass of the lightest KK graviton using a brane kinetic term. With this we study KK graviton masses from 0.5-3 TeV. In our analysis we also employ little Randall-Sundrum (RS) models, characterized by a lower UV scale in the five-dimensional model which in turn implies modified couplings to massless bulk fields. Viewing this scenario as a strongly coupled four-dimensional theory with a composite Higgs boson, the KK graviton is interpreted as a composite spin-2 state and the varying UV scale corresponds to a varying intermediate scale between the cutoff of the low-energy effective theory and the Planck scale. We find that KK gravitons with masses in the range [500, 3000] GeV are compatible with current collider constraints, where the most promising channels for detecting these states are the diphoton and ZZ channels. A detection is more likely in the little RS models, in which the dual gauge theory has a larger number of colors than in traditional RS models.