It has been hypothesized that over the past similar to 200 years, industrial activity has enhanced the number of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in the lower atmosphere thereby reducing cloud droplet effective radii r(e) and increasing the albedo of clouds. It is thought that in some regions, cloud albedos have increased so much that they have greatly ameliorated coincidental forcing by increased concentrations of greenhouse gases. The best estimates of this ameliorating effect come from large-scale climate/chemical transport models that assume clouds to be horizontally homogeneous at scales smaller than several hundred kilometers. It is demonstrated here that for a 2-mum reduction in r(e) conventional estimates of increased cloud albedo due to more CCN may be too large by up to, and possibly exceeding, 50%. The largest overestimates occur when reductions to r(e) are accompanied by enhancements to both cloud variability and liquid water paths. This is attributed to fundamental differences in the way homogeneous and inhomogeneous clouds transport solar radiation.