The fluid flow characteristics of a turbulent offset jet impinging on a wavy wall surface has been investigated numerically. Two-dimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations are solved by the finite volume method. In the governing differential equations, the convective and diffusive terms are discretized by the power law upwind scheme and second-order central difference, respectively. The semi-implicit method for pressure linked equation algorithm is utilized to link the pressure to the velocity. The offset ratio is set to 7.0 and the Reynolds number is fixed to 15,000. The width of the jet is taken as the characteristic length. The amplitude of the wavy wall surface is varied from 0.1 to 0.7 with an interval of 0.1 and the number of cycle is fixed to 10. The results of fluid flow and turbulent characteristics of the offset jet are presented in the form of contours of streamline, velocity vector, turbulent kinetic energy, dissipation rate, pressure, and Reynolds shear stress. The variation in integral constant of momentum flux, wall shear stress, and pressure along the wall is presented and also compared. The decay in the maximum streamwise velocity in the downstream direction and jet half-width along the streamwise direction are also presented and discussed. The wavy surface introduces some remarkable features, which are not present in a normal plane wall case. These features have been discussed in detail.