Polish State Forests National Forest Holding is an Organisation which distinguishes itself in Europe by the size of the forest area it administers, the headcount, organisational structure, and the administration of the State Treasury's property combined with the supervision of other ownership forests. Its financial self-sufficiency enabling, in some Gases, replacement of budgetary funds is also a rare phenomenon in European forestry. In comparison with the processes taking place in European forestry, the situation of the State Forests NFH is exceptional and beneficial. However, certain phenomena and trends in socio-economic and political development may in the future become a source of serious threats and perturbations. This applies particularly to: the dominant share of the State Forests NFH in the timber market, which is called by timber receivers a monopolist, the legal-formal dualism of the State Forests NFH which acts as a supervisor and administrator, tendencies among different political groups to privatise, good financial situation of the State Forests NFH leads some to claim its funds treating the State Forests NFH as a "political trophy" after each election, growing labour costs, insufficient formal participation of society in forest management, viewing foresters as a professional group positioned aside (above) social communities. Since the accession to the European Union, the economic and social competition processes have been accelerated. As a result of these processes, the average welfare rate will be levelled up through the growth of social security, industrial safety and environment protection requirements combined with pressure on wage increase. In this situation, there is need fora continuous rationalisation of costs and mechanisation of forest works, specifically the introduction of multi-operation harvesting machines. Also evolution of the foresters-society relationship towards co-deciding about the development of forestry and forest management, observed in democratic states, seems inevitable. Poland, as a member of the European Union, is subjected to accelerated competition processes on a global market. Job emigration, transformations in agriculture caused by supply of EU funds, increase of land prices, application of information technology and telecommunication development are among the most apparent effects of Poland entering into European and global cooperation. Further development and existence of the State Forests NFH will depend on the readiness to seek such solutions and determination in their implementation. Changes will not omit the State Forests NFH which must flexibly react to the transforming environment. The examples of other countries testify to many possible solutions and the necessity to respond to the challenges posed by society and the economy Science, which by its nature poses questions and seeks answers, must play an important role in building the development strategy for the State Forests NFH.