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Peripheral blood proteomic profiling of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis biomarkers in the multicentre IPF-PRO Registry
Todd, Jamie L.
Neely, Megan L.
Overton, Robert
Durham, Katey
Gulati, Mridu
Huang, Howard
Roman, Jesse
Newby, L. Kristin
Flaherty, Kevin R.
Vinisko, Richard
Liu, Yi
Roy, Janine
Schmid, Ramona
Strobel, Benjamin
Hesslinger, Christian
Leonard, Thomas B.
Noth, Imre
Belperio, John A.
Palmer, Scott M.
Asi, Wael
Baker, Albert
Beegle, Scott
Belperio, John A.
Condos, Rany
Cordova, Francis
Culver, Daniel A.
de Andrade, Joao A. M.
Dilling, Daniel
Flaherty, Kevin R.
Glassberg, Marilyn
Gulati, Mridu
Guntupalli, Kalpalatha
Gupta, Nishant
Case, Amy Hajari
Hotchkin, David
Huie, Tristan
Kaner, Robert
Kim, Hyun
Kreider, Maryl
Lancaster, Lisa
Lasky, Joseph
Lederer, David
Lee, Doug
Liesching, Timothy
Lipchik, Randolph
Lobo, Jason
Mageto, Yolanda
Menon, Prema
Morrison, Lake
Namen, Andrew
[1] Duke Clin Res Inst, Durham, NC 27701 USA
[2] Duke Univ, Med Ctr, Durham, NC 27710 USA
[3] Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceut Inc, Ridgefield, CT USA
[4] Yale Sch Med, New Haven, CT USA
[5] Houston Methodist Hosp, Houston, TX 77030 USA
[6] Jane & Leonard Korman Resp Inst, Philadelphia, PA USA
[7] Duke Clin & Translat Sci Inst, Durham, NC USA
[8] Univ Michigan, Div Pulm & Crit Care Med, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
[9] Staburo GmbH, Munich, Germany
[10] Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, Biberach, Germany
[11] Univ Virginia, Charlottesville, VA USA
[12] Univ Calif Los Angeles, David Geffen Sch Med, Los Angeles, CA 90095 USA
[13] Renovatio Clin, The Woodlands, TX USA
[14] Lynchburg Pulm Associates, Lynchburg, VA USA
[15] Albany Med Ctr, Albany, NY USA
[16] Univ Calif Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA USA
[17] NYU, Med Ctr, New York, NY 10016 USA
[18] Temple Univ, Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA
[19] Cleveland Clin, Cleveland, OH 44106 USA
[20] Univ Alabama Birmingham, Birmingham, AL USA
[21] Loyola Univ Hlth Syst, Maywood, IL USA
[22] Univ Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
[23] Univ Miami, Miami, FL USA
[24] Yale Sch Med, New Haven, CT USA
[25] Baylor Coll Med, Houston, TX 77030 USA
[26] Univ Cincinnati, Med Ctr, Cincinnati, OH 45267 USA
[27] Piedmont Healthcare, Austell, GA USA
[28] Oregon Clin, Portland, OR USA
[29] Natl Jewish Hosp, Denver, CO USA
[30] Weill Cornell Med Coll, New York, NY USA
[31] Univ Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN USA
[32] Univ Penn, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
[33] Vanderbilt Univ, 221 Kirkland Hall, Nashville, TN 37235 USA
[34] Tulane Univ, New Orleans, LA 70118 USA
[35] Columbia Univ, Med Ctr, New York Presbyterian Hosp, New York, NY USA
[36] Wilmington Hlth & PMG Res, Wilmington, NC USA
[37] Lahey Clin Fdn, Burlington, MA USA
[38] Froedtert & Med Coll Wisconsin Community Phys, Milwaukee, WI USA
[39] Univ N Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC USA
[40] Baylor Univ, Med Ctr Dallas, Dallas, TX USA
[41] Vermont Lung Ctr, Colchester, VT USA
[42] Duke Univ, Med Ctr, Durham, NC USA
[43] Wake Forest Univ, Winston Salem, NC 27101 USA
[44] Univ Calif Davis, Sacramento, CA 95817 USA
[45] Stanford Univ, Stanford, CA 94305 USA
[46] PulmonIx LLC, Greensboro, NC USA
[47] Washington Univ, St Louis, MO 63110 USA
[48] Pulm Associates Stamford, Stamford, CT USA
[49] Houston Methodist Lung Ctr, Houston, TX USA
[50] Salem Chest & Southeastern Clin Res Ctr, Winston Salem, NC USA
Interstitial lung diseases;
Observational study;
D O I:
R56 [呼吸系及胸部疾病];
Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive lung disease for which diagnosis and management remain challenging. Defining the circulating proteome in IPF may identify targets for biomarker development. We sought to quantify the circulating proteome in IPF, determine differential protein expression between subjects with IPF and controls, and examine relationships between protein expression and markers of disease severity. Methods: This study involved 300 patients with IPF from the IPF-PRO Registry and 100 participants without known lung disease. Plasma collected at enrolment was analysed using aptamer-based proteomics (1305 proteins). Linear regression was used to determine differential protein expression between participants with IPF and controls and associations between protein expression and disease severity measures (percent predicted values for forced vital capacity [FVC] and diffusion capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide [DLco]; composite physiologic index [CPI]). Multivariable models were fit to select proteins that best distinguished IPF from controls. Results: Five hundred fifty one proteins had significantly different levels between IPF and controls, of which 47 showed a vertical bar log(2)(fold-change)vertical bar > 0.585 (i.e. > 1.5-fold difference). Among the proteins with the greatest difference in levels in patients with IPF versus controls were the glycoproteins thrombospondin 1 and von Willebrand factor and immune-related proteins C-C motif chemokine ligand 17 and bactericidal permeability-increasing protein. Multivariable classification modelling identified nine proteins that, when considered together, distinguished IPF versus control status with high accuracy (area under receiver operating curve = 0.99). Among participants with IPF, 14 proteins were significantly associated with FVC % predicted, 23 with DLco % predicted, 14 with CPI. Four proteins (roundabout homolog-2, spondin-1, polymeric immunoglobulin receptor, intercellular adhesion molecule 5) demonstrated the expected relationship across all three disease severity measures. When considered in pathways analyses, proteins associated with the presence or severity of IPF were enriched in pathways involved in platelet and haemostatic responses, vascular or platelet derived growth factor signalling, immune activation, and extracellular matrix organisation. Conclusions: Patients with IPF have a distinct circulating proteome and can be distinguished using a nine-protein profile. Several proteins strongly associate with disease severity. The proteins identified may represent biomarker candidates and implicate pathways for further investigation.