This research investigates the level of job satisfaction of the professor on higher education through the education for sustainable development. Understand and ensuring the effectiveness and act efficiently in the sudden processes of changes that higher education is facing, leads to the need to do it in a sustainable development way. As [1] states higher education is an essential weapon in the battle against poverty; the gains of investing in citizens' higher education are not solely or even largely personal, but accrue to the society at large; countries whose universities are neglected will be left behind. So, the research deals with a concept of education for sustainable development that involves several characteristics, such as: the interdisciplinary and holistic, values-driven, critical thinking and problem solving, multi-method, applicability and participatory decision-making. In this context, the main objective of the research is to develop an awareness of the complexities involved on the job satisfaction on the higher education, but this is dependent of understand the idea of sustainable development in higher education in Portugal and European Union. This allows to critically evaluating differences in management of human resources in institutions of higher education by identifying practices and experiences that show the level of job satisfaction of the professor. Indeed, it promotes the awareness of the complexities involved in job satisfaction in higher education and allows to use this information on the HEI to satisfy the teaching and researching needs of the professor through offering maximum benefit but with limited resources, because everybody has a place in a collaboration and constructive environment.