Introduction The Pascal Dynamic Contour Tonometer (DCT) is an ophthalmic investigational device which directly calculates the dynamic pulsatile fluctuations in intraocular pressure (IOP) using a piezoelectric pressure sensor embedded in the devices tip. Objective The aim of this study was to compare IOP results obtained with Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT), and their correlation with central corneal thickness (CCT) in patients of various age groups. Methods We studied 37 patients (17 male and 20 female), divided into three age groups: younger than 40 years; 40-60 years old, and older than 60 years. In the first and second group there were patients rarely and in the third mostly diagnosed and medicamentously compensated glaucoma. In topical anaesthesia, first we measured CCT, with ultrasound pachimeter, then IOP with DCT and GAT. Results Statistically significant difference between measurements of IOP with the DCT and GAT appeared in all groups: I mean cliff. -1.71 +/- 1.27 mm; p<0.0001; II mean cliff. -1.19 +/- 1.06 mm; p<0.0001; Ill mean cliff. -1.69 +/- 1.67 mm; p<0.0001. CCT was in indirect correlation with the values of lop measured both with the DCT and GAT in the first and third, while it was in the direct correlation with these values in the second group. Conclusion CCT had no influence on IOP measurements both with the DCT and GAT in none of the groups. The DCT cannot replace GAT, but it is a reliable device for the measurement of lop particularly in corneal deformations (keratoconus, after corneal refractive surgery, corneal scars, etc.).