Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between marginality and minority status in undergraduate nursing students enrolled in one of the four universities in Wisconsin that offer a baccalaureate nursing program. Method: A nonexperimental, descriptive correlational design was used for data collection. Participants (N = 331) completed a demographic survey, and marginality was measured using the Koci Marginality Index-70. The demographic variables of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and age were investigated in relation to marginality. Results: A statistically significant difference was found in mean scores for minority (M = 177.5, SD = 29.3) versus nonminority undergraduate nursing students (M = 166.4, SD = 18.1); t(329) = 4.3, p <= .001. Conclusion: The findings from this research study suggest that marginalization remains a significant issue for minority undergraduate nursing students.