The effect of three natural extracts made from culinary spices with antioxidant activity on the oxidative stability of lipids and proteins, color changes, and sensory quality of cooked pork during 12 days of refrigerated storage was evaluated. Hamburger-type model systems were made with the Longissimus thoracis et lomborum muscle, dorsal fat, salt, water and the corresponding extract. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was determined by the DPPH and ABTS+ methods, while the oxidation of lipids and proteins by TBA-RS and DNPH, respectively. For the color evaluation, the parameters of luminosity (L*) and Hue angle ((circle)h) were used. The sensory analysis was carried out with an untrained panel, which evaluated the attributes of taste, color, smell and texture. The statistical processing of the data obtained on antioxidant activity, lipid and protein oxidation, as well as color, was performed by an analysis of variance. The sensory evaluation was processed with nonparametric statistics. Extract two had the highest antioxidant activity (P <= 0.05); the three extracts managed to inhibit (P <= 0.05) lipid oxidation in the hamburgers (P <= 0.05); however, none of the three extracts managed to inhibit protein oxidation. There were also no differences (P >= 0.05) with respect to the L* parameter, while the values of (circle)h showed that the three extracts managed to preserve the color of the cooked hamburgers during refrigerated storage. Finally, the sensory evaluation showed that none of the three extracts altered the organoleptic quality of the hamburgers.