Age, size, and site of perforation, condition of the ear, status of the contralateral ear, grafting materials, and more are considered factors influencing the success rates in myringoplasties in children. The ambivalence in results is mainly due to nonhomogeneous patient groups, In an effort to compose groups as homogeneous as possible for analysis of influencing factors, a retrospective study of 51 pediatric myringoplasty cases (51 ears) was undertaken. All patients had perforations caused by simple chronic otitis media. The overall surgical success rate was 82.3% at 18 months, and for young (5 to 10 years) and older (11 to 16 years) children it was 77.2% and 86.2%, respectively, Anterior, central, and total perforations healed without significant differences. Outcome in unilateral perforations was better than bilateral: 96.9% and 55%, respectively (p < 0.01). Discharging ears (100%) healed better compared with dry ears (75%) (p < 0.05), Analysis of the literature also revealed significant difference in success rates of discharging and dry ears: 92.5% and 80.6%, respectively (p < 0.01), We conclude that, contrary to comments in the literature, discharging ears in children favor good outcome and they should be operated on regardless of age and site of perforation. However, in bilateral perforations results may not be so rewarding.