The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of ED and its health-related correlates in a nonselected population from a Mediterranean country. The abridged 5-item version of the international index of erectile function (IIEF-5) was used as a diagnostic tool. A total of 905 men aged 18 years and above from Jordan were included in the study and answered the questions about medical history, lifestyle habits and sexual behavior. A logistic regression model was used to identify significant independent risk factors for ED. In this sample the prevalence of all degrees of ED was estimated as 49.9%. In this group of men, the degree was mild in 25%, moderate in 13.5% and severe in 11.4%. The prevalence of severe ED increased from 2.7% in men in their twenties to 38.6% in their sixties and 46% in those aged 70 years and above. Age is the single most significant risk factor. Other important risk factors include lower household income, physical inactivity, obesity, smoking, diabetes mellitus hypertension and ischemic heart disease. This study provides a quantitative estimate of the prevalence and the main risk factors for ED in our region. This condition, which represents a source of distress, should be evaluated more effectively by rigorous and standardized methods, particularly as effective treatments are now available. International Journal of Impotence Research (2010) 22, 196-203; doi: 10.1038/ijir.2009.65; published online 21 January 2010