Amplified pedestrian-vehicle interaction especially at urban midblock crossings have ensued higher pedestrian fatalities and such situations further exacerbates under heterogeneous traffic conditions and therefore, it becomes indispensable to evaluate pedestrian safety especially at urban midblock crossings. To comprehend the factors influencing pedestrian safety, video-graphic survey was conducted at four urban midblock crossings located in different parts of India. Data was extracted from the video and model was developed using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) Technique. The data includes mainly pedestrian demographics, vehicle characteristics and roadway characteristics out of which, eleven variables are identified and analysed, which are found to be significant. Regression model indicated that the PSM distinctly depends on the availability of gap in vehicular flow, pedestrian crossing behaviour and speed of the approaching vehicle. Further, it is found that safety margin increases with increase in pedestrian speed and vehicular gap, whereas the same decreases with rolling behaviour, while crossing the street. Elasticity analysis was also carried out among the different variables, wherein the vehicle speed, pedestrian speed and vehicle gap were found to be the most influencing variables, whereas, pedestrian age and platoon size had the least effect. It was also found that pedestrians are more likely to cross the road by maintaining least marginal vehicular gap with respect to light vehicles compared to heavier vehicles, highlighting that vehicle type influences pedestrian safety. Further, driver yielding behaviour significantly influences pedestrian safety. In addition, from the sensitivity analysis, it is corroborated that the safety margin against to pedestrian speed and vehicle speed increases with increase in the vehicle gap size. Moreover, PSM against waiting time decreases as the vehicle gap increases. The developed PSM model can enable engineers and planners to evaluate safety at existing crossings at unprotected mid-blocks. The results of the PSM model may be useful to design pedestrian facility and suggest appropriate remedial measures to enhance pedestrian safety.