In the dromedary she-camel, the impact of parturition on composition and phenotype of blood immune cells has not been evaluated so far. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the composition of blood leukocytes and their cell adhesion molecules expression in she-camels during the periparturient period. Using flow cytometry and membrane immunofluorescence, leukocyte composition and adhesion molecules expression were analyzed in blood samples collected from she-camels at days -28, -14, 0, +14 and +28 relative to calving. At parturition, she-camels showed a significant rise in the number of total leukocytes with increased numbers of neutrophilic granulocytes. Two weeks after calving, the number of total lymphocytes was significantly elevated. Among lymphocytes, the numbers of CD4+ T cells and B cells were expanded. Although the cell number of total monocytes did not change significantly during the periparturient period, significant differences in the fractions of monocyte subsets were observed. The number of the CD14(high) MHCIIlow monocyte subset was significantly decreased at calving and remained at a low abundance during the postparturient time, while the numbers of the CD14(high) MHCIIhigh and the CD14(low) MHCIIhigh monocyte subsets was increased after calving. For neutrophils (at calving and at day +14 after calving) and monocytes (at calving), a significant increase in the expression of the cell adhesion molecule CD11a was observed. Collectively, the present study identified several alterations in the leukogram and distribution of blood monocyte and lymphocyte subpopulations during the periparturient period in dromedary she-camels. (C) 2021 PVJ. All rights reserved