The article provides information on the basis of data obtained by different authors that camel's milk differs significantly from cow's and goat's milk due to the insignificant content of one of the allergenic factors - milk protein - lactoglobulin. On the basis of the research, the article showed that the content of the main components of milk - the mass fraction of dry matter, fat, protein, and one of the most important mineral substances - calcium, in camel's milk these indicators are significantly higher than in cow's and goat's milk. Indicators of density, titratable acidity, and energy value of camel's milk are also higher than those of cow's and goat's milk. It was established that the content of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega - 3 and omega - 6 acids, is much higher in camel's milk than in cow's and goat's milk. The difference in the protein structure of camel's, cow's and goat's milk was revealed. Camel's milk contains more alpha-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, immunoglobulins than cow's and goat's milk, but most importantly, unlike cow's and goat's milk, there is practically no beta-lactoglobulin in camel's milk. Sour milk produced on the basis of camel's, cow's and goat's milk using different starter culture: lactate lactococcus (sour milk ordinary), acidophilus bacillus (sour milk acidophilus) and Lactobacillus bulgaricus (Bulgarian sour milk) differs in their properties. All samples of sour milk of camel's milk, unlike sour milk from goat's and cow's milk, prepared with the same technology, showed noticeable foot of fat and this requires additional development of technological processes in the production using camel's milk. The established difference in the chemical composition of the analyzed sour milk samples is mainly due to the composition of the raw milk from which the products are prepared. beta-lactoglobulin is not identified in sour milk from camel's milk, which confirms the data on its absence in camel's milk.