There are lot of papers offering information on products and services. Some of them are potentially useful to consumers, while others remain simple and incomplete pamphlets without insight or significant research information. In their majority, these papers only analyze the consumers (in) satisfaction degree. This paper shows what to look for in comparing values of many basic frequently bought items and suggest potential good advices for valuable buys. This is more a philosophical attempt than an unreleased approach to determine what sources offering values can be used as basic personal comparisons issued on a large selectivity and low expenses. Smart shopping is a new concept that we are proposing to be studied. In our persepctive its field is greater than the simple purchase to cover a certain need that can open new areas of research, complex, n -dimensioanllz dynamic, ready to fit the new perception to see the consumer as an important busienss partner. The success in shopping is attainted when both consumer and sellers get fulfilled under a valuable partnership. With plenty of money, most could satisfy hidden and hollow hungers. But wise shopping isn't only about money. Beyond the today shopping conditions buffing quite well, there are still people that get confusion and expenses. As such thing doesn't make money to buy more, everything should be about buying wisely. Emotionally connected to increase personal satisfaction this can also make the shopping a sound activity. If consumers have learned their expenses lesson, this is the right time to learn something new, that shopping must be a pleasant activity in saving money, time and feelings, for both individual and society benefit.