Pyroelectric infrared (PIR) sensors are much promising for device-free localization (DFL) due to their advantages of lower cost, low power consumption, and privacy protection. Most PIR-based localization methods usually assume some geometric models according to the detection principle of PIR sensors, which are however not accurate or robust due to the various cases of infrared radiation from human body, especially the case of multiple persons. Recently, deep learning is utilized in the PIR-based localization method (i.e. PIRNet Yang et al.) and well handles the complex infrared radiation even in the multi-person case. However, this method requires a high training cost, and has very weak generalization ability as it assumes the PIR sensors' deployment in the testing environment is same to the deployment in training environment. To reduce the training cost and achieve high generalization ability, in this paper, we propose a robust method DeepPIRATES, which can be directly utilized in various deployment scenarios without retraining. DeepPIRATES combines deep learning and a geometric model. Specifically, DeepPIRATES divides the localization task into two steps. The first step utilizes a neural network to estimate the azimuth changes of multiple persons to a PIR sensor. Then, DeepPIRATES utilizes the persons' azimuth changes to infer their locations based on a geometric model. Extensive experimental results show that DeepPIRATES can achieve similar localization accuracy as PIRNet, while does not require to be retrained when the sensor deployment changes.