Purpose: To consider the rationale, methods, and potential benefits of nurturing the growth of resilience in school-aged children who stutter. Stuttering in childhood can have negative psychological consequences for some, including the development of a negative attitude toward their speech from a young age (Vanryckeghem, Brutten, & Hernandez, 2005) and possible co-occurring psychopathology in adolescence and adulthood, in particular, anxiety disorders (Blood, Blood, Maloney, Meyer, & Qualls, 2007; Iverach & Rapee, 2014; McAllister, Kelman, & Millard, 2015). Children who stutter also frequently report teasing and bullying by their peers (Blood & Blood, 2007; Boyle, 2011; Langevin, Packman, & Onslow, 2009), which can have a significant impact on children's confidence and psychological well- being. However, the capacity of children who stutter to cope or "bounce back" fromadversity is not routinely explored or incorporated in therapy for stuttering. Method: This clinical focus article will explore the construct of resilience and consider why it may be important for children who stutter and their parents. A framework for understanding resilience in relation to stuttering is used, drawing from the Reaching In Reaching Out Resiliency Program (for children aged under 8 years and their parents) and the Penn Resiliency Program (for children aged 8 years and over). Conclusions: The role of parents is key in modeling resilient responses to children and creating a resilience-rich environment. As children who stutter may be more vulnerable to adversity, some may benefit from targeted support to build their resilience, in order to enhance their ability to overcome challenges and thrive.