Therapy for school-aged children who stutter (CWS) and their parents should be holistic, individualized, and multidimensional, considering the child within their real-life context and using a solution rather than problem -focused approach; highlighting and drawing on the strengths, resources, values; and coping skills that each family brings. Therapy at the Michael Palin Centre draws on a number of psychological approaches, including solution-focused brief therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and compassion-focused therapy. Aspects of these approaches are discussed in this article to describe the therapeutic intervention for two school-aged CWS (aged 8 and 15 years). The Palin Model (2019) is used to conceptualize the factors that influence stuttering, as well as the different components of therapy that may be relevant for each individual family. The overarching aim of therapy, for children to become competent and effective communicators, whether they stutter or not , is described through a range of practical therapeutic activities, including exploring communication skills, openness and desensitization, exploring thoughts and feelings around stuttering, building confidence, expanding comfort zones, and developing self-efficacy. Qualitative and quantitative outcomes are presented for each clinical case.