This study examines the effect of the song lyrics in acquiring a foreign language. Moreover, it shows how the use of the song's lyrics, such as the lyrics of the famous songs, increases the pupils' ability to understand the spoken and written form of English, and their ability to recognize the written form of the new vocabulary. Moreover, it shows the usefulness of song lyrics in practicing grammar of the target language. Furthermore, this study examines the effect of using song lyrics in increasing pupils' motivation in learning a foreign language. The main objective of the study is not just to discover whether the lyrics of the songs have a positive effect in acquiring a foreign language, but to discover why the use of song lyrics in the classroom is effective in English language learning. To achieve this aim, twenty-three eight grade and thirty-four seven grade learners were examined so fifty-seven pupils who study English as a foreign language. This research took place in the primary school Nuri Mazari in Dollogozhda, Struga. The learners were divided into two groups, the control and the experimental group. Each group contains one eight-grade class and one seven-grade class. Both of the groups took a pre- and a post-test. At the beginning of the study, pupils took the pre-test. It examined the learners' current knowledge about English. At the end of the study, pupils took the post-test, which examined the learners' knowledge after the study took place. In this way, the learners' progress in learning English and the effect of song lyrics in pupils' motivation is more obvious. The pre-test results of the control group were a little bit higher than the experimental group. However, the results gathered from the post-test indicate that the experimental group who used song lyrics outperformed the control group who did not use song lyrics.