We studied the excitation, propagation, and site effects in the Kachchh basin of India. by using ground-motion recordings from a temporary seismograph network deployed to study aftershocks of the M-W 7.6 Bhuj earthquake of 26 January 2001. The Kachchh basin has been proposed as a useful analog region for studying hazard in other earthquake-prone but slowly deforming regions, such as the central United States. The earthquakes we studied ranged in size from about M 2 to M 5.2, and travel paths ranged from a few kilometers to about a hundred kilometers. There was a broad range of focal depths among the aftershocks, so the data were divided into two overlapping subsets to test the sensitivity of the derived propagation and source parameters to focal depth. Parameters we constrained include the source excitation terms (related to stress drop), a frequency-dependent attenuation operator, a geometric spreading function, and an operator to account for site effects. Our results indicate that seismic-wave attenuation in Kachchh crust is very low, similar to other continental intraplate areas such as central and eastern North America. We also estimated seismic moments and stress drops for the earthquakes by fitting single-corner-frequency source-model spectra to the observed spectra, corrected for propagation by using our derived parameters. Stress drops were found to scale with seismic moment and to be rather high overall. By using a stochastic point-source model to estimate mainshock ground motions, we found that the distance decay of expected peak ground motions, assuming a stress drop of 15-20 MPa, compare well with the scant observations for the Bhuj earthquake. Ground-motion predictions for Kachchh, based on Bhuj aftershock data, support the idea that the region may have similar hazard to proposed analog areas in North America.