The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of diseases on days open (DO), days to first breeding (DFB) and days from first breeding to conception (DFBC) using survival analysis models, and to assess the significance of the sire component and its possible confounding effect. The data consisted of a random sample of 20% of all herds enrolled in Swedish recording system and using 100% artificial insemination with at least 15 Swedish Red and White cows calving in 1991. The follow-up period was from 45 to 145 d after calving. After editing, the data sets had 23,927, 28,197, and 22,089 cows for days open, days to first breeding, and days from first breeding to conception, respectively. The Cox models included parity, calving season, cow milk production and age at first calving as fixed effects, and herd and sire as random effects. Ten disease groups were considered as possible risk factors for the reproductive traits. Disease groups were treated differently if they occurred before or after 45 d postpartum. Diseases occurring in the first 45 d after calving were treated as time-independent covariates and diseases occurring after day 45 were treated as time-dependent covariates for days open and days to first breeding. The percentages of censored cows were 35% for days open, 19% for days to first breeding, and 33% for days from first breeding to conception. Days open increased in cows with dystocia, stillbirth, retained placenta, metritis, or other diseases occurring in the first 45 d after calving, and in cows with metritis, mastitis, or other diseases occurring after 45 d. Days to first breeding increased in cows with stillbirth, retained placenta, milk fever, mastitis, foot and leg problems, or other diseases occurring before day 45, and in cows with metritis, mastitis, foot and leg problems, or other diseases occurring after 45 d. Days to first breeding decreased in cows treated for ovulatory dysfunctions either before or after 45 d. Days from first breeding to conception increased in cows with dystocia, stillbirth, retained placenta, metritis, or ovulatory dysfunctions occurring before first breeding, and in cows with mastitis occurring after first breeding. Although the additive genetic components were significant for all traits considered, the sires did not act as confounders because only a small amount of variability for the traits considered in this study was explained by the sires, with estimated heritabilities of 2% on the logarithmic scale and from 3 to 4% on the real scale. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.