We review the prevailing evidence surrounding treatment of substance use disorder (SUD), with specific focus on alcohol, tobacco, and prescription opiates, and how it informs guidelines for treating active duty military. We survey the evidence regarding preventive screening, treatment, and relapse prevention in substance misuse as it pertains to patient-centered care of the service member. Holistic, patient-centered care with an emphasis on identifying maladaptive use or dependence prior to progression to chronic disease is now recognized as the evidenced approach to treating substance use disorders. Early patient-guided intervention with combined behavioral and pharmacologic therapies leads to better outcomes, including greater functional status, lower relapse rates, and decreased rate of psychiatric and other comorbidities. The military has prioritized a patient-centered approach to screening, assessing, and treating SUD. Recent guideline updates represent a progressive, patient-centered approach in delivering unprecedented access to care, serving as a positive example in treating what is widely accepted as one of the country's most pressing public health concerns.