In conifer pollen, the generative cell divides into a sterile stalk cell and a body cell, which subsequently divides to produce two sperm. In Picea abies (Norway spruce, Pinaceae) this spermatogenous body cell contains actin microfilaments. Microfilament bundles follow the spherical contour of the body cell within the cell cortex, and also traverse the cytoplasm and enmesh amyloplasts and other organelles. In addition, microfilaments are associated with the surface of the body cell nucleus. The sterile stalk cell also contains microfilament bundles in the cytoplasm, around organelles, and along the nuclear surface. Within the pollen grain, microfilament bundles traverse the vegetative-cell cytoplasm and are enriched in a webbed cage which surrounds the body cell. Microfilaments were identified with rhodamine-phalloidin and with indirect immunofluorescence using a monoclonal antibody to actin. The majority of evidence in literature suggests that the spermatogenous generative cell in angiosperms does not contain actin microfilaments, so the presence of microfilaments within the spermatogenous body cell in P. abies appears to be a fundamental difference in sexual reproduction between conifers and angiosperms.